Thursday, June 11, 2009

Troubleshooting Your Training Methods For The Organic Athlete

So you feel like you’re doing everything right and not getting the results you should be? Well if some one presents me with this problem in my mind I will basically go through a trouble shooting process. I will ask myself the following questions

  • Do you squat?
  • Does your routine consist mainly of compound exercises?
  • Do you do INTENSE cardio?
  • Is your diet as on point is it could be?
  • Is your perspective on what the ideal diet looks like completely skewed?
  • Are you a master of your own bodyweight in main areas pull up, push up and dip.

    At this point if all the questions were to be answered with a strong yes and the person isn't an absolute beast then I'll shit in Macy's window. But for most people I’m sure there are areas were they are lacking but they continue to neglect them looking other places for a magical answer. When it can be as simple as telling someone to add a solid squat regiment into their routine and watch their body go crazy 100% naturally.

    A perfect example from my own experience was being scared of pull-ups. I would hit my back with barbell/dumbbell rows, lat pull downs, seated rows, like a madman but never thought to go in fresh and start with some old fashioned pull-ups. Why you might ask, well because first off I sucked ass at them and second i didn't realize how much I was missing out. So I had to force my body to get better by having people spot me and doing tons of negatives and soon enough they became easier and results came. The bang for my buck was bigger than ever before though. Between the results I had seen in the past from my old routine were destroyed by the results from my newfound obsession with pull-ups.

    My forearms swole and my grip became much stronger by using a fat bar, my biceps became much much fuller and finally got veins poppin, and my lats definitely came in like wings. Now that’s bang for your buck and that’s what life’s all about, why take a year to accomplish something that can be done in 3 months.

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